Monday, April 30, 2007

Ummmm.... gee, ahhhhh, hmmmm

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007


If I'm getting carried away with the action panels and choice of angles, I blame Naruto!

This is probably the time to disclaim the liknesses of all characters in the strips so they won't sue me and take all my gold.
So, I made em all up!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Part 2 - Niche Wang!

HAHAHAHAH... very funny but it's not true! I'm not a dickhead like many of yuse think and the penis tutorial shall have to waits its turn!

I was 'tossing' up earlier whether or not to use the dong joke as it may have crossed the boundaries of luridity that I try to deny the public as much a possible, to help maintain this facade of decency and good humour. But then I decided to satisfy myself... further lowering this blogs gdp or something.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Unleash tha babes...

If I had a gardening company, I'd call it 'Cutting Hedge Gardeners'! I hope I didn't rip that off unconciously...yeh, the more I think about it the more likely it seems I stole the idea. Just forget I wrote anything.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Part1 - tha forehead upon the sphere...

For homework, stare at your favourite niche cartoon and see the forhead in full glory. For those of you lucky enough, take my photo off the altar an have a good looksey!

The how to's and where for's...

The other day, my friend asked me, 'how can I be a big man like you?'
I says to maybles, or 'buddy' as is more accurater his sobriquet, I says, 'Well the first trick is to be a drawer. Not like the ones in your desk but a drawer with the doodles and pictures and the like.
Ya see, the womens find nothing more attractive than the humble drawer... and I know.'
I thinked I winked or something.
'And a mans bigness can only be measured by his allure; the calibre, frequency and velocity by which the fairer sex around, impart!'
To be sure this was no proper sentence but I had not prepared a response in advance, having not thought so much upon myself.
'But it'd take months to be awesome like you!', he says, 'I want my own 'Niche' now!'
This intrigued me, I hadn't considered others wanting to be me, to wear my skin and do sexy dances in front of the mirror.
'Perhaps I'll do a column in my blog, 'How to draw your own Niche', thought I, aloud.
And so, with these simple steps, you and buddy too, will be able to induldge your pathetic fantasies...

Monday, April 02, 2007

