Sunday, September 24, 2006


Good tidings y'all, the niche famine is over so be prepared to see a strip almost every week...


To begin this new trend which seems fairly similar to the old trend, I've rummaged and (another verb) and have come up with a rare gem. With it's intricate storylines and complex dialogue McNick was a fan favourite, enjoy...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The one that got away.

Who knows what may happen further down the line, we call time?

The answer was yes!
Better luck next 'time'.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Birthday Raps...

...should be outlawed!

Hopefully most of you have not received the audio to go with!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Because you didn't demand it...

... I shall continue me struggles with animation and the singles moments in time that go together to make us whole.
This was done before I went to Japan... and that has a big affect on stuff.

Blogger Me!

here's the picture i didn't post...